Thursday Updates! Friday, Jul 30 2010 

Ok, in the spirit of being a better blogger, I’ve decided that I shall update this blog with a cool blog post every Thursday!

I’m even getting some blog posts done early so I have a buffer… Hopefully I keep this going.

“Hey Chey, wait wait wait,” you say, “Why Thursdays?”

And to that, I say, because what the fuck else are you doing?

Wow. Friday, Jul 30 2010 

Let’s chalk it up to supreme laziness— I haven’t posted anything in a bazillion years, it feels like.

And it’s not cuz I don’t like doing it. I do. But it’s like I said— summer inspires me to be even lazier than normal. God knows why; it’s not like I’m doing much else. It’s odd.

Anyway. Onto an interesting topic.

I need to write a novel.



Like this, except with MY name at the bottom.


If I’m ever going to publish anything, novels are where it’s at. Nobody’s gonna publish a set of odd, un-related short stories from some other nobody.

But that seems to be all I can do.


So as to keep blog posts more interesting and frequent, I’ve started a list of potential topics.

They vary greatly, from


Oh yes.

… -_- Sunday, Jul 4 2010 

So, I feel like Ridley minus the cute nurse, (a.k.a. Samuel). I’m sick, sick, SICK!


I don’t think I have anything really worth while to say. Didn’t I just tell you; I’m sick?! Jeez.

I’m gonna start a new story soon. Idk what it’ll be about. Suggestions?